Time’s up! The app is out and our first official launch event is mere weeks away, in Milton, at the annual Santa Claus Parade. We will be out in force, in support of our charity partners and local businesses, and most of all, in support of our community. Community is what it is all about, after all.
Wondering what it’s like to pour yourself into something and have it come to life? Here’s what I wrote the moment that the app became available:
‘Just taking a quick second, because it is important to capture things in the moment and this is the moment – I mean THE moment. Months and months of pain and hard work and doubt and self-berating and anger and tears and laughter and belief has come to this. On this day. In this life. I need to savour it and celebrate it – and I promise I will at some point – but right now in the moment is just this big ball of emotion that I can physically feel sitting in my chest. It’s coming out. At some point when I am alone and won’t upset anyone else, it’s all going to come pouring out. And then, when I can breathe again, the joy of it, the beautiful possibility of it all will come back into focus.’
Some time has past and preparations have kept my mind and heart busy leading up to launch date, and I can tell you it feels a little unreal. I still have that ball of emotion inside, but now it’s something new, and hard to explain. Like I am living in a dream, if that’s not too hard to take. I am so excited to share my vision with my community and to have a chance to affect positive, authentic change, in a time that will be remembered as one of the divisive and fake in living memory.
So, if you are a business owner, get on the app! If you are a resident, get the app! If you are a community organization serving businesses or raising funds for good, get on the app! I’ll be there.

About the Author: This is me! My passion lies in leveraging today’s technology to create, support and engage communities and drive measurable economic growth. Like many, I yearn for a time when fear won’t dominate actions, where local shops thrive and people understand the value and power of local investment, in all it’s forms.
~ Lisa Denis, Founder