Saturday, June 1st, 2019, Main Street, Milton, Ontario: 12:00pm to 9:00pm
It’s the official launch party for Emoggo in Milton and we are celebrating with a Poker Run (or walk, skip, jump, roll…you get the idea). Use the app to locate cards throughout the area and put together the best poker hand you can for your chance to win gift certificates, products and services from local businesses.
Short Rules:
1. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 years of age and a resident of Ontario to win.
2. The contest will run from 12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on June 1, 2019.
3. Card locations are only available on the Emoggo app. You must show the Emoggo app on your device to receive a card.
4. You may begin at any participating location and end whenever you like.
5. You may collect as many cards as you wish, but you can only get one card per location.
6. No duplicate cards will be allowed – if you draw a duplicate card (i.e. King of Clubs from 2 locations), you must draw again.
7. Jokers are WILD! and eligible for an instant prize.
8. You must submit your best 5 card hand from the cards collected at the Emoggo tent on Main Street before the contest end time.
9. You may have 1 additional card dealt to you at the Emoggo tent by a volunteer from a local community organization. (Feel free to tip the dealer.) Learn more about our commitment to community organizations, like Re:Soul Youth Centre, who are joining us as part of their Spring Fundraiser.
10. The player(s) with the best poker hand(s) wins and will be notified at the contest end.
11. In the event of tie, the players names will be randomly drawn to determine placement.
12. Game On!
For the Long Rules, Terms of Conditions, Privacy Policy, follow this link.
Come on out RAIN or SHINE and help us celebrate, explore and experience local.

About the Author: This is me! My passion lies in leveraging today’s technology to create, support and engage communities and drive measurable economic growth. Like many, I yearn for a time when fear won’t dominate actions, where local shops thrive and people understand the value and power of local investment, in all it’s forms.
~ Lisa Denis, Founder