It was a great day…so, I have to share!
First, I had an amazing lunch with Small Biz Sales Coach extraordinaire, and fellow 50 over 50 entrepreneur in Canada recipient for 2018, Patti Pokorchak. She is a wonder – experienced, super fun and wicked smart! She provided me with so much value in 60 minutes that I shared my Tiramisu with her – and anyone who knows me knows that is a very BIG deal. Seriously. I’ve denied my own children a spoonful when that sweet treat comes my way. I think I must be doing something right to have really cool people find their way into my circle.
Second, I was invited by a colleague to attend a local Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours event. And something really amazing happened there…let me set the stage for you…
There I was, clinging mightily to the coattails of my colleague and the only familiar face in the room, trying to muster the courage to barge into a conversation with a stranger, when I spied someone else I recognized. He and his networking partner drifted towards us, greeted my colleague and introduced themselves. One of the gentlemen I had met briefly before, but I had never met his friend. Once the introductions were made, the friend, Bob, looked at my name tag a little more closely, then up at me with a strange look on his face.
“Emoggo?” he said.
“Yes!” I said (pretty pleased that the pronunciation was right).
He held up a finger with one hand and asked me to hold his drink as he fished around in his jacket pocket with the other, still with a strange, but now more excited look on his face. A second later, he produced his phone, unlocked it, scrolled a page and pointed to the icon for the app.
“This Emoggo?” he asked.
“Yes!” I said.
“This is yours?” he asked.
“Yes!” I said.
How cool is that? Think about it. How often do you think you might show up at a networking event and speak to the actual person who created any app on your phone? And then, have that person give you a guided tour through all the coolness the app offers?
And, mere weeks after quietly launching, how amazing was it for me to meet one of my users out of the blue at an event I had only learned about hours before? So COOL!
Totally taking this day as a win.
And I am hungry for more! Wins…and tiramisu…

About the Author: This is me! My passion lies in leveraging today’s technology to create, support and engage communities and drive measurable economic growth. Like many, I yearn for a time when fear won’t dominate actions, where local shops thrive and people understand the value and power of local investment, in all it’s forms.
~ Lisa Denis, Founder